Wednesday 4 May 2011

Scale: Board Game

The idea of the workshop was to use your own experience (like your 1st year as an LCC student) to create a board game, reducing a whole story into a few images. I tried to think how I could make mine different and so concentrated on the fact that I travel up to London everyday and I am not actually from London. I started to make a list of things that I struggled to get used to when first commuting to London, things I do not have and the things I have learned you just do not do like standing on the left side of the escalators. I thought I could just draw out a swirly line and have the game to just reach from A to B.

I then thought that I could take the game a bit further and have the board game as the tube map and the idea is to be given a destination and you have to be the first one to get to there, each station stop being a square on the board. As the concept for my board game is to survive being a non Londoner in London I wanted it to be a little tongue in cheek way of learning to get around London and the things you should or shouldn't do. 
I have been reading the book 'I never knew that about London' which is a brilliant book but I thought that I could use that idea to inform the game players more by having information about the location in London they have to get to. 

Back of the playing card

the question mark cards

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