Wednesday 30 March 2011

VCT Redesign Tryouts

Ok so its the day before I need to hand in my VCT Timeline and I have decided to redesign the whole thing. The image and text are not working. I asked a couple of people for their advice and one person said, 'It just looks like you have chucked text and lines on top of an image.' Which I guess is true. Another said to make the lines of the timeline fit the content more. So I am going to just post a few tryouts so far...
The original page and then after playing with layout

I wanted to have the essay as the background and then smaller images around the text

The original layout

Playing around with type, layout and arrangement

I like the time in history being a bold statement on the page

By making images smaller and leaving white space it really alters the hierarchy of the page
Moving the text and images over the sides of the page as it is a concertina it can still be seen

The two pages together
I want to mix some images of just type, just image and image and type to break it all up
A layout of the three pages together and how they would work

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